First, I want to say thank you for visiting this site.
I am glad to see you visiting my blog.
Second, I want to tell you something about request
I have ever said that everyone can request lyrics or others here
But there are some rules
- I will accept any requests that related to VISUAL KEI/OSHARE KEI/JROCK
- I will accept any lyrics requests that related to the labels
- I will accept any lyrics requests that I can write
- I won't accept any lyrics requests that not related to the labels, except
- I can hear and write the lyrics down, I will accept it
- Please write credit if you want to repost the lyrics
- I won't accept any singles/albums/PVs that not related to the labels
- I will accept your requests as I can
I hope you understand the rules
Note: You may correct my lyrics
There are 4 ways to request
- Just leave your request on the chat box (shoutmix chat)
- Send me mail to with subject REQUEST
- Add me on YM and you can chat with me whenever you want while I am online
- Just leave your comment on this post
Thanks for reading
Thanks for supporting
And please enjoy this blog!!!